
“Keep your eyes on your own paper,” is a popular phrase among many teachers. For as long as I can remember, cheating has been an issue in classrooms. Cheating is purposefully acting in a dishonest manner. Some children cheat by looking at another student’s paper for answers, or making a sheet of answers to copy, by stealing an idea from another student, or copying work from a book or other resource. Sometimes cheating can result in a good grade. However, a cheater only cheats him by depriving himself of the knowledge that should have been learned. Some children cheat because … Continue reading

What You Might Not Have Known About Affairs

In my quest to find information about affairs and STDs I stumbled across “Infidelity: Myths, Facts and Healing,” an article by Ofer Zur, Ph.D. Dr. Zur discussed all manner of things related to affairs and presented some very interesting facts about them. Or at least I found them interesting. They were things I didn’t know. I listed my revelations below. 1. Finally! A concise definition of infidelity. Maybe Dr. Zur’s not the first to define it thusly, but of all the definitions I’ve read this one was most succinctly stated: “Infidelity is unfaithfulness to a sexual partner in an agreed … Continue reading