Life With Derek – Teen TV Show Review

Life with Derek is a half hour sit-com on the Disney Channel. The series is about a blended family, but it’s not The Brady Brunch. The main character is Casey, a fifteen year old girl whose mother remarries. Casey, her little sister, and her mother move into the new husband George’s house and find themselves sharing the space with two brothers and an additional little sister. The oldest brother is Derek. He’s also fifteen. Both Casey and Derek are used to ruling the house and they clash. In one early show the kids bug each others rooms to spy on … Continue reading

Soap Operas? Who has time?!

Have you noticed the banner ads for ABCs hit soap operas? These ads got me thinking about stay home moms and work at home moms often being seen as making our lives revolve around daytime dramas. I have to admit, years ago, I was a General Hospital fan. Frankly, that was back when I was really too young to be watching such shows, young innocent teenager that I was. I began watching again towards the end of my pregnancy with my youngest child, while I was on bed rest. As soon as I was back on my feet, I turned … Continue reading