Baby Skin Problems

This morning, as I was caressing the cheek of my youngest child, I was in awe at how soft it was. The expression soft as a baby’s bottom is said for a reason. Baby skin is amazingly smooth and glowing. But that doesn’t mean that baby skin isn’t prone to problems. Here is a quick guide to common baby skin problems. Diaper Rash Diaper rash is caused when irritants and wetness come in contact with your baby’s skin. It can usually be cured by using a diaper cream at every changing, especially at night, and, or by letting the baby’s … Continue reading

Treating Chin Acne in Pets

Don’t stress too much if your pet develops chin acne — it’s a relatively common problem in dogs and cats! One of the most common causes for chin acne is allergies. A pet may be allergic to fleas, foods, plastic in bowls, or inhaled particles like pollen and mold spores. Dealing with the allergy can make a big difference in many cases of chin acne. Treat your pet with a monthly flea/tick preventative like Frontline, Advantage, Sentinel, or Revolution. Spray your home and yard to clear up flea infestations if one is present or suspected. Eliminate plastic food and water … Continue reading

Pet Chin Acne

A few years ago, I discovered that Lally had a plastic allergy when I saw pet chin acne. She started breaking out in little red bumps all over her muzzle. After ruling out a food allergy, the vet suggested that she might be allergic to the plastic in her bowl. We switched to a ceramic bowl and she hasn’t had any trouble since! Acne is a relatively common skin problem in cats and dogs. The problem can start at any age, and looks a lot like acne in humans — red bumps, often on the chin and lower lip. The … Continue reading

Natural Acne Remedies for Pregnant Women

For some women, acne becomes a problem or gets worse during pregnancy. Products to treat acne can cause ingredients that are unsafe for the baby. Even if the ingredients are safe, they tend to have harsh chemicals. These can irritate the skin, which can become more sensitive during pregnancy. Natural skin care products are the best option for expectant mommies. You can find natural or organic lines in health food stores or on the internet. These products tend to be more expensive than many over the counter skin care remedies. Some women don’t mind the added expense, but others may … Continue reading

Rosacea or acne?

I’ve always had problems with acne. It never seemed to matter what I did, I still had break outs. I kept waiting for that “grown-up” stage to hit where acne wouldn’t be a problem for me. I’m still waiting. Recently a skin condition called rosacea has gained more notice and I began to wonder if this was actually the cause of my “adult acne”. So, how does it compare and what can I do about it? Rosacea is an inflammatory response that generally affects the facial skin specifically. It looks a lot like acne, with redness, swelling, bumps and small … Continue reading

What is Infant Acne?

Why does my baby have pimples? Aren’t they way too young? You’d think that considering acne is a problem that confronts most people after the onset of puberty. Where an infant is concerned though, they can experience many of the same problems that a pubescent teenager is undergoing and the cause is usually the same – hormones. Mom’s Hormones Remember, that up until birth, you and your baby are connected by the umbilical cord and share a great deal via this cord – one of those things is the mother’s hormones and these hormones may remain in the baby’s body … Continue reading

Quick Household Remedies For Skin Problems

You don’t need to resort to drastic measures to ease common skin problems like acne, itching, and bug bites. Everything you need to treat the problem may already be sitting around the house! To soothe itchy rashes caused by poison ivy, allergies, heat and sweat, perfumes, or other triggers: Take an over-the-counter antihistamine (like Benadryl). Spritz mineral water onto the affected area to ease inflammation — both the coolness and the trace minerals can help relieve the swelling and pain. Try ice water to numb the itch or pain. Apply olive oil directly to eczema or psoriasis flare-ups to keep … Continue reading

Skin Problems Associated with Menopause

Menopause is the time in a woman’s life when everything seems to turns upside down. If you are going through menopause, keep reminding yourself that you are certainly not alone! It is true that women going through menopause will be faced with a number of changes, which are caused by the body no longer producing estrogen. When going into peri-menopause, the years when you still menstruate, you will likely begin to experience menopausal symptoms. While you will have various symptoms, the most common include hot flashes, night sweats, heart palpitations, mood swings, insomnia, headaches, and depression. Another problem women going … Continue reading

Would You Send Your Son to a Spa?

I know quite a few young boys who could really benefit from a good manicure and pedicure, but I don’t know many who would actually request spa treatments for their birthdays. Yet, studies show they’re out there, and their numbers have been increasing over the last decade. According to the International Spa Association, the number of teenage boys receiving spa services such as hair removal and massages has nearly doubled since the early 1990s. These days some spas even advertise their services specifically to young boys, highlighting the benefits of facials (a good way to get rid of blackheads) and … Continue reading

Blackheads and Whiteheads

Ugh. When I was younger — I guess around puberty age — my upper arms started to develop a strange rash. According to the doctor and dermatologist, I had whiteheads. And now here I am, fast approaching thirty, and the whiteheads are on the move. They’re spreading from my upper arms onto my forearms. So I figured it was time to do a little research. Acne facts: Acne is the most common skin disease treated by physicians More than 85% of adolescents and young adults have some form of acne Only about one third of people with acne actually talk … Continue reading