Did you know?

EGCG found in Green Tea aids in weight loss: Not only does green tea have a positive effect on your body, antioxidants in general aid in maintaining a healthy weight. Free radicals damage the cells that signal you are full. You can combat this by consuming more antioxidants found in vegetables. EGCG is suggested to increase metabolism, inhibit fat cell development and increase fat excretion. So drink up the green tea while you munch on a salad. Just don’t add too much sugar to your green tea. Proper sleep will promote a healthy weight: A lack of sleep causes a … Continue reading

Detoxing Your Body – Part 1

Oh, I have been on an eating binge since the holiday season began. Candies, cakes, ice cream – anything that is bad for me. And on top of that, I stopped exercising. Now, I am feeling the effects. I feel sluggish and just want to sleep all the time. And my belly – oh, let’s not even talk about how it’s grown. What I plan on doing is detoxing and exercising at the beginning of the year. I know a lot of people make a weight loss resolution each year, but I am miserable right now and something has to … Continue reading

Want to Know How to Decrease Stress?

Want to know how to ease stress in your life and that of your spouse? Scientists have come up with the answer – to kiss stress goodbye, literally. Displays of affection ease stress levels. That’s the conclusion that scientists have come to, after conducting a week long study with a number of mostly married couples. The act of kissing, ‘unleashes chemicals that ease stress hormones in both sexes.’ Scientists dicovered that the couples that engaged in more physical contact, ranging from holding hands to sexual intercourse, had lower levels of cortisol, in their saliva. Cortisol is often referred to as … Continue reading

Does Being Super Fit Equal Super Healthy?

Okay, time to take a step back for a few minutes because the following may startle you. Yes, fitness helps improve your health. It has positive effects on your immune system and it keeps your stress levels low and helps reduce the devastating effects that stress can have on your body. Now here’s the kicker – if you exercise to excess, you can be as destructive if not more so than if you weren’t exercising at all. Too much exercise can damage your bones, your joints and your muscles. It can also cover up problems that you did not even … Continue reading

Can Sleep Help You Lose Weight?

According to recent studies by the American Medical Association, one of the most key components to weight loss is sleep. That’s right. Along with diet and exercise, to lose weight you must also lie down. We all know that falling asleep feels good, but what we don’t know is how good it is for us. Without an adequate amount of REM (rapid eye movement) sleep— the ‘dream’ stage of sleep, and also the lightest, the body goes into a ‘depression.’ This depression is often felt mentally, though the physical depression can have more far-reaching effects. People who suffer from lack … Continue reading

Does an Organic Diet Promote Weight Loss?

Organic food. When plastered onto food labels, it can seem like just another generic marketing term, like “natural” or “heart-smart.” Isn’t anything that comes out of the ground “organic”? In fact, the answer is no. Organic foods are tightly regulated and controlled by U.S. agricultural agencies, and the organic label certifies that the food has been grown or raised (in the case of meat and dairy) without any synthetic chemicals – no petrochemical fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides, dyes, or growth hormones. The organic-food movement is just now gaining widespread attention in the U.S., which means that scientists are behind the curve … Continue reading

De-Stress the Natural Way

Changing your mood can be something that can be achieved with just a little effort and a surprisingly short space of time. Here are some ideas that can turn a gray day into a sunny one, often in just a few minutes. Breathe deeply You’ve heard it before and you’ll hear it again, and that’s because it works. The conscious act of taking regular deep inhalations followed by an even longer exhalation will have you feeling much calmer in less than two minutes. It can literally change the state of your mind. It’s all to do with oxygen and carbon … Continue reading


Most of the time when people think about treasure hunting, they only think about the possibility of finding valuable coins or jewelry but not the other benefits. Using a metal detector, you can find a wide array of treasures such as coins and jewelry. However, treasuring hunting also offers the benefit of health. Because walking is a large part of the hunt, this is an excellent way to lose weight and stay in shape. If you use the metal detector every day, this means you get the benefit of finding hidden treasures while also improving your health. In addition, since … Continue reading

No Schemes! No Magic Beams! No False Dreams!

Have you noticed how many lose weight fast-get in shape fast-miracle pill-guaranteed-to-work programs there are on the market today? Frankly, it’s frightening. During one commercial break on cable television last evening, I counted no less than four advertisements that ran nearly 30 to 45 seconds a piece. Every single one promised the same thing. The pounds will melt, fall, vanish or my personal favorite “disappear” as long as you use their product/diet/miracle pill/equipment. The problem with all these get thin fast promotions is that 99% of the time they aren’t going to work. Read the small print on just about … Continue reading

Depression—Symptoms and Treatment (1)

What are the symptoms? The most commonly diagnosed and most severe depression is called a major depressive episode. In order to be diagnosed with major depression, an individual must satisfy five or more of the following symptoms during the same 2-week period, and which must also deviate from previous functioning levels: 1. A depressed mood for most of the day, nearly every day, as reported by the individual or noted by others. Sufferers may be tearful, sad, or express feelings of emptiness. In children, depression may be expressed through irritability. 2. Little interest or pleasure in many or all of … Continue reading