Deranged Chicken and Other Family Lore

Every family has its ways—most of us have our own “style” and even our own language. With our shared history (and that includes both blissfully pleasant and dysfunctionally stressful) and personal dynamics, it is impossible for a family to exist without developing its own folklore. In our family, much of our “lore” has developed around language, food and ordinary life events… I have shared before that my kids and I like to play with language and words. It is very common for us to come up with nicknames, re-names and other versions of everyday words and phrases. Heaven help our … Continue reading

Make Believe Stories and Tall Tales

Do you make up stories, tell tall tales, or sing silly songs to your kids? If so, you may already know that inventing a character and crafting a story or song off the cuff can be a hilarious adventure for you and your family. One of your tales may turn into your child’s favorite bedtime or dinnertime story, as is the case in my home. I usually try to incorporate a few real life details or events to make a story more familiar and to help prevent certain memories from evaporating. In my willy-nilly rambling one day, while on vacation … Continue reading

Antiquing With Kids

Next time you and the kids see an antique and rummage store, go inside. It’s a lot of fun to show them what phones looked like when you were a kid, the typewriter you learned to type on, your first camera, or the same dishes your grandmother had. We like to look at old postcards too, some are very silly. I like to show my kids things like butter churns, glass citrus juicers, or old washing machines and have them guess what the items are. Sometimes even I don’t know what the things are and we ask. Usually people are … Continue reading

An Affordable Treasury of Fun

There’s no easier way for kids to explore new and exciting worlds than cuddling up with a favorite book.  Adventures await on each page and there’s no telling where your child’s imagination can take her once she peels back the front cover. And that’s just with one book.  Imagine the fun kids can have when they are gifted with a treasury of stories. If you are looking for an affordable way to keep your kids entertained this summer, consider investing in a box set of books.  My daughter adores her Little Critter Bedtime Stories set.  The colorful collection is a … Continue reading

How to Tell You’re A Mormon Mom

Everyone wants to be a Mormon mom, even if they never admit it. Right? Well, that’s what we tell ourselves. (Suddenly, Goldie Hawn’s line in “Overboard” is running through my head: “Everyone wants to be me!”) Well, Mother’s Day is coming up soon. Here are the top ten ways to tell that you are a real, live LDS mother (you know, as opposed to those fake Mormon Moms walking around out there). 1. You can do amazing and even healthy things with lime jello. 2. You haven’t been able to fast since before your first child was born, due to … Continue reading