Does it Matter if You Don’t Go to Church and WorshipTogether?

How important is it in marriage to attend the same church and worship together? Does it matter if you are different denominations or go to different churches? Obviously the problem of different churches or denominations is not insurmountable but it certainly is something that needs to be taken into consideration and discussed before marriage. In many churches the number of women who attend far outweighs that of men. This causes an imbalance in churches. In a marriage situation this means that the husband is not taking the spiritual leadership role he should. Wives who go to church when the husband … Continue reading

Getting My Mind Right: Lookin’ Good

I guess that it is time to give details on exactly how I am losing all of this weight. At the appointment with my doctor in May, he said that he wanted me to lose 100 pounds by eating right (less) and doing moderate exercise. He gave me a prescription for a “mild” appetite suppressant. It is called “phentermine”. I was taking a 30MG capsule every morning. I really like it because it has no side effects, I don’t feel goofy or hyped up, but it turns off that little thing in my brain that tells me that I am … Continue reading

My Response To William Arkin Of The Washington Post

I have pretty thick skin when it comes to those who protest the war and even those who bad mouth the troops. I spent a year writing a column in Greenville, Michigan, during my husband’s deployment to Iraq. I refused to write under any name but my own, though I was encouraged to do so for my own protection. I don’t like being bullied and I refused to hide or be ashamed of my husband’s service. This week, even my thick skin was penetrated to the core of my being as I found the same link in my email three … Continue reading

Respect My Authoritah!

How to get your kids to respect your authority if you are an anti-authoritarian — My wife and I both share this problem: we like to question authority, challenge it, reject it — and in my case, mock the stuffing out of it. My favorite cultural icons are iconoclasts: those whose life’s work seemed devoted to challenging all our preconceptions about society and how it’s supposed to function. I am not referring to political figures here, like Jefferson, or King, or Ghandi, though my political views often find me in clashes with my parents. I am here simply referring to … Continue reading

Could Your Husband Cope?

Could your husband cope if you were laid up for a while? The impression I get from many women, particularly those around my age group or older, is that their husbands wouldn’t know the first thing about how to cook a meal, do the laundry or do any of the other household chores that need to be done, especially when the wife is laid up. This puts pressure on the wife to keep going, even when she should not because she is too sick. Mick thankfully has done a great job over the last few weeks and given the ongoing … Continue reading

Comic Strip Mom Prepares to Say Good-Bye

When I was a girl I adored reading The Family Circus comic strip. Each Sunday I would run outside to get the newspaper and eagerly flip to the comic section to see what Billy, Dolly, Jeffy and PJ were up to (my favorite was when creator Bil Keane would use thick dotted lines showing the characters’ paths through the neighborhood or house). The Family Circus family was much like my own. I could relate to Dolly being the only girl in a family with three pesky brothers. And like the cartoon clan my brothers and I would pile into our … Continue reading

Primary Time: Sacrament Meeting Mayhem

Having our third child has really put us at odds during Sacrament meeting. There just don’t seem to be enough hands to go around. We were doing all right when my husband and I could each focus on a child, but now there is always someone getting loose. Generally it is my two year old son. He likes to run. Last week the overflow to the overflow was open with about fifteen feet of empty space to the back wall. He took off running about three times. Of course last week was actually one of our better weeks. We are … Continue reading

Facing the Giants (2007)

When I first grabbed this movie off the shelf at Blockbuster, I was expecting another “Remember the Titans” or “Glory Road” or “Miracle” or some other movie about a sports team coming from behind to beat all the odds and how the coach is in danger of losing his job unless the team wins and when they win, his job is saved and children make up with parents and they dig a well and find water and a vein of gold cutting through the town. Okay, I’m getting sarcastic, but you must know how I feel. I’ve seen more versions … Continue reading

Fiddler on the Roof (1971)

It just doesn’t get any better than this – sitting at my computer, sharing with you all the reasons I love certain movies, and getting to relive each magical moment in my mind. “Fiddler on the Roof” caught my heart from the opening credits and has held me tight ever since. A little background on me – I have always been fascinated with Russia and was able to go there as a teenager. “Fiddler” takes place in a pre-Revolutionary Russian Jewish village called Annatefka, a poor, isolated village where the people depend on each other for their welfare. One such … Continue reading

Religious Marriage versus Civil Marriage

Good afternoon, I’m switching gears again here late in the day as I begin to wax philosophic on several key points related to the marriage debate that has been clawing up the headlines the last couple of months. I have to say, if the politics of the situation were distract people from the troubling issues of today – this has been a successful campaign. However, that being said, I like to throw in my two cents. In all likelihood, Sherry may respond to this blog and I’ll look forward to her thoughts on the matter. What I want to discuss … Continue reading