What Are The Best Grocery Stores?

Consumer Reports released a survey Tuesday that lists consumers favorite grocery stores. Let us just say that Wal-Mart is not going to be too happy. The results were compiled from more than 24,000 responses across the nation. Wegmans, Trader Joes and Publix came in as the country’s favorite grocery stores, while Wal-mart, Pathmark and Shaw’s were the least favorite. Ratings on the grocery stores included service, cleanliness and prices. Readers also got a chance to complain about their least favorite things about the stores. One top complaint was that there aren’t enough check out lines. Clutter aisles, and sale items … Continue reading

Tricks Grocery Stores Use to Get You to Stock Up

I am all for stocking up on great bargains at the grocery store. In fact, up until recently, I had a very well stocked pantry, complete with pretty much everything that we needed to make some inexpensive meals. All out of ketchup? Nor problem, I’ll just pop down to the basement for another bottle that was purchased on sale. Stocking up can be a good thing when you do it for the right reasons, namely, reducing the number of shopping trips you have to do and buying everything at the cheapest prices. Plus, stocking up can have psychological benefits too, … Continue reading

My Favorite Grocery Stores

Photo by Michel Meynsbrughen Food is never far from my mind. I love all things associated with it: eating it, preparing it, and shopping for it. (Not necessarily in that order. And there is one thing I don’t like about it –the clean up that comes along with it!) Why Grocery Stores Hold a Fond Place in My Heart Growing up, I remember my family shopped at one grocery store: Safeway. It was right up the street from our house. Within walking distance even. In nicer weather, especially when my grandparents came to visit, we’d take leisurely strolls up there … Continue reading

How Grocery Stores Make You Spend More

Grocery stores know how most people like to shop, and they use that information to make you spend more. However, you can counteract their intentions with some information on product placement. If you know just where to look (and not look) in the grocery store, you can reap some big savings. There is a lot of thought and marketing that goes into product placement in a grocery store. Major brands compete for shelf space, often paying stores for the privilege of being put in highly visible areas. The store displays have a science behind them and are usually arrange specifically … Continue reading

Amazon Go Might Change How You Grocery Shop

Everyone has to go grocery shopping sometime. Your family might go once a month and stock up on bulk items. Or, you could be among those who go grocery shopping once a week. Parents realize that grocery shopping can be difficult if you must wait in a long line with a toddler. Amazon Go might change how your family shops for groceries. Amazon Go describes itself as “the world’s most advanced shopping technology”. It promises there will be no lines to wait in and no checkout area to deal with. Shoppers simply grab the products they need – and go. … Continue reading

KitchMe Connects Recipes to Grocery Sales

Have you heard of KitchMe? It’s another one of these oddly named websites that people can use to save some money. KitchMe is run by Coupons.com and is currently in beta. I learned about KitchMe because I signed up to get email from Coupons.com. When I first got the email about it, I glanced at KitchMe, but didn’t quite understand what it was for. Now that I have had some more time to look at it, things are a bit more clear. KitchMe is a website that you can browse through for interesting recipes. It will connect those recipes with … Continue reading

12 Easy Ways to Reduce Your Grocery Bill

It is never too early or too late to reduce your regular expenses, especially one of the biggest ones, foo. Here are 12 easy ways that you can reduce your food bill, starting now.   1. Never shop when you are hungry (or with kids, if you can avoid it). Both situations will lead to overbuying, as extra things find their way into your grocery cart. You may have good intentions, but hunger and kids will usually prevail.   2. Look for stores that double coupons and be on the alert for triple coupon days.   3. Use your coupons … Continue reading

Does Shopping the Perimeter Save Money at the Grocery Store?

Perimeter shopping is a great way to save on your groceries. In fact, at least two thirds of your purchases should be made there. Why? Because perimeter shopping usually means healthy food at great prices. When you enter the grocery store, how do you shop? Do you follow your lists, zig zagging through the aisles? Do you start at one end and go back and forth through each aisle? The next time you shop for groceries, start at one end and go all around the perimeter, that is all around the outside of the store, close to the outer walls. … Continue reading

Are You Shopping at the Right Grocery Store? Four Steps to Save 20 Percent or More

Choosing the right grocery store can save you 20 percent or more on groceries before using coupons. If you were buying a big ticket item, such as a television or a new washer and dryer, you would do some research and shop around, right? Since food tends to be the biggest general family expense after housing, it just makes sense to do your research before you step foot in your grocery store. Just spending $225 a week on your groceries, adds up to almost $12,000 a year!Imagine shaving close to $2,400 off of that total food bill, doing nothing other … Continue reading

Grocery Stock Up Sales

Need to replenish your stockpile? Now is the time. Many stores are offering grocery stock up sales and promotions on pantry foods. Grab your grocery store flyers, make your list and get shopping. Step 1: Clean Out Your Pantry Before you head out to one of the many grocery stock up sales out there, first take the time to see what you already have. You can discard anything that is expired or hasn’t been used in a year. Donate anything that is still good and toss the rest. I like to take everything out and dust the shelves, too, but … Continue reading