Sit With Us App – No One Has to Eat Lunch Alone!

The most difficult part of the school day for many teens and tweens is lunch time. That may sound strange, until you realize that the social aspects of school lunchroom can be absolutely brutal. No one wants to be stuck sitting alone at lunch – looking like an outcast. A new app can help solve this problem. Sit With Us is a mobile app that is designed to promote a kinder and more inclusive school community. It is currently available on the App Store. The main idea behind this app is that the first step toward a warmer, more inclusive, … Continue reading

What is the Perfect Age To Stay Alone?

How old is old enough? How young is too young? How do you decide? When you are a single mother one of the biggest financial outlays comes from daycare. Depending on the age of your child, number of children and where you live, daycare can be your biggest monthly expense. Most of us will happily pay the money for the peace of mind of knowing our child is safe while we work. Every day we make decisions, starting as soon as they are born, taking a quick shower while the baby naps is ok but is running to the basement … Continue reading

Alone for the Holidays

This time of year can be emotional for many single parents. Having to share the holidays can be difficult for both the parents and the child. I remember the night my ex husband left. The very first thing that came to mind was not having my son Christmas morning. I still get a pit in my stomach just thinking about it. I firmly believe that this is the absolute hardest part of being divorced. One of the greatest joys of being a parent is waking up Christmas morning to see the look on your children’s faces when they see their … Continue reading

Is It Post-Partum or Just Baby Blues?

After the births of my first two children, I had typical emotional responses. I felt overwhelmed, sleep deprived, stressed, but relatively normal, in the whole scope of things. But with the birth of Johnny, in November, things were a little different. First, I left the hospital too early. Johnny was born at 6:45 AM on a Friday, and they gave me the option of leaving on Saturday, after all, this wasn’t my first baby and I knew how to take care of a new baby and myself after delivery. I missed my girls, so I went home. I was not … Continue reading

Do You Leave Your Kids Alone in the Car?

Would you leave your child alone in a car while you hit up the slot machines at your local casino? How about if your little one was sleeping snuggly in his car seat; would you consider leaving him alone in your vehicle while you ran into the market to buy a few essentials, or into the office supply store for a must-have printer cartridge? In some states it doesn’t matter whether you run into Wal-Mart for a pack of gum or spend time working out the kinks in your new roulette strategy—-if you leave your kid alone in a vehicle, … Continue reading

“Leave me Alone!—Don’t Leave Me!”

Parents of young children complain about separation anxiety, and then parents of older children may complain that their child is eager to have them leave and doesn’t seem to notice when they are gone. The parent of a teenager, however, experiences the most confusing phase of all—the teen who grumbles to be left alone and then turns around minutes later and complains of being abandoned! I have been quite open in sharing some of the trials and joys of preparing to send two older teen daughters off to college. It is an exciting time, yes, but it is also stressful, … Continue reading

I Almost Didn’t Homeschool Because I Felt Alone

When people find out that I homeschool my kids, it is common for people to say to me “I could never homeschool”. One reason or another always follows this statement. Many of these same reasons nearly kept me from homeschooling. This series of articles explains the reasons that I almost did not homeschool my children. This particular article tells the story of the first time I considered homeschooling and then changed my mind. We were living in New Orleans, which at the time was labeled THE worst school district in the nation. No one with two pennies to rub together … Continue reading

When your homeschooled child does not want to learn

I recently received a question from a homeschooling parent whose children were being resistant to being taught. Her older child was six years old and using California Virtual Academy (A school-sponsored homeschool). She was at grade level in three subjects and almost two grades ahead in Math. Her son was 4 years old and knew some times tables, and a bit about other subjects. Both kids were resisting being taught. My advice to her was to back off and give the kids some space. They were both likely overwhelmed and in no danger of falling behind. As homeschoolers, many of … Continue reading

Gospel Questions: What If I Want to Leave the Church?

Of course it saddens us greatly when a member of the Church decides they don’t want to be a member any more. We believe that the source of true happiness is from having a close relationship with our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. We believe that our religion most closely mirrors the Church as originally set up by Jesus Christ Himself while He was on the earth. When someone decides to separate themselves from the Church, we sorrow at all they might be missing. However, we do not force them to remain a member. I have heard stories … Continue reading

“She Just Abandoned Me!”

“How could she just abandon her child like that?” “How can I tell my child she was abandoned?” “How can I ever speak positively of my son’s birthmother when it breaks my heart to think of my son being left alone?” “I was abandoned when I was two months old.” Many children who were adopted from other countries have papers stating that they were “abandoned”. Parents who adopt from any country, including the U.S., have people comment “How come his parents didn’t want him?” or “How can these people just abandon their kids?” (Note to people who have asked me … Continue reading