Lauren and Jason: When “The” Ex Proposes to Someone Else

Last week I used Spencer and Heidi of The Hills fame to examine the pros and cons of living together. This week I’m going to talk about Lauren Conrad and her ex Jason, who came back into her life with a shocking surprise. A Little History Lauren and Jason have been on again/off again since the Laguna Beach days. (Laguna Beach was the predecessor to The Hills. That show followed Lauren and friends during high school.) At the end of the first season of The Hills, Lauren gave up an internship in Paris to spend the summer living with Jason … Continue reading

When You are Feeling Neglected

Many times when spouses feel slighted by their partners or they feel as though they aren’t getting their needs met. When someone feels this way, feels unloved, it is almost natural to close in and look elsewhere for those needs to be fulfilled. But, it is so much better to put that effort into looking toward your marriage instead. Don’t look elsewhere Let us pretend that you have been feeling neglected because your spouse is always out with his or her friends. An initial reaction might be to go and hang out with your friends as well, flirting a bit … Continue reading

Keep Your Focus

The other day I had a frightening experience. I’m not a confident person in the water, because I can’t swim well- only while my feet can touch bottom and I never put my face under water. The concept terrifies me. The beach we go to is usually calm, which is why we go there. But this day there were some largish waves. I was careful not to turn my back on them. Mick caught one of the waves into shore. In the process, he lost the cap he usually wears to protect his eyes from the sun. I turned to … Continue reading

The Ten Commandments Series: The Ninth Commandment

In Exodus 20:16, we read, “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.” What exactly does it mean to “bear false witness?” Essentially, bearing false witness is to lie about someone else’s actions or words. When we say our neighbor was somewhere he wasn’t, or said something he didn’t, this is bearing false witness. The modern term is “perjury,” but this is generally used when speaking of testimony born in a court of law. A courtroom isn’t necessary for this sin to be committed. When we bear false witness, we are trying to get someone else in trouble. Sometimes, … Continue reading

Battling Demons: The Green-Eyed Monster

The jealous are troublesome to others, but a torment to themselves. ~-William Penn-~ Are you a jealous person? I am. Or used to be more frequently than I am now. For the last ten years or so I’ve been in a recovery program of sorts. Not one associated with any particular group. Just one devised by applying wisdom I’ve stumbled across in regards to my problem. Because jealousy is a problem. Or can be, if left unchecked. Once upon a time, back when Wayne and I were first dating, I didn’t check my jealousy very much at all. I let … Continue reading

Does Your Husband Flirt?

Is your husband a huge flirt? Does he flirt like he breathes? Do you get tired of hearing him refer to others as sweetheart and hon? Does it make you crazy that he doesn’t understand why it bothers you? It can be deeply frustrating to see how easily your husband can put an arm around someone else, demonstrate deep affection or use pet names for other people that are not you. First, Understand Why You Feel This Way It’s important to understand why you feel this way. Are you feeling neglected? Is his attentions to others taking away that affection … Continue reading