Ask a Baby Blogger: Will It Be Easier to Pump the Second Time Around?

Question: With baby #2 do most women who weren’t able to pump much the first time around have better luck with the 2nd one? This question actually comes from the forums, and I promised I’d answer. I wish that I could shout a resounding yes on this, but honestly I can’t. Success in pumping has everything to do with how the relationship is managed but it also has to do with other factors that mom simply cannot control. Why Pumps Are Ineffective So why is it exactly that you can breastfeed a fat, chunky baby–yet only produce a few ounces … Continue reading

Body Odor

Did you know that our bodies produce two types of sweat? Eccrine is a clear, odorless sweat that helps regulate body temperature. Apocrine is produced by glands in the armpits and groin that can get stinky when it interacts with bacteria on the skin. So what can you do to fight offensive body odor? Wash daily. Use a deodorant or antibacterial soap. Use deodorant daily. Pick a deodorant that contains metallic salts (like aluminum or zinc). Roll-ons and sticks usually give better coverage and protection than sprays. Use an antiperspirant. This can slow down apocrine sweat production. Look for an … Continue reading

Sour Milk?

It’s true that even after you’ve properly stored your milk (and sometimes even before you store it) your breast milk can go sour. It may taste and/or smell sour, metallic or simply rancid. It is not a typical problem but it does happen occasionally: too much lipase. Lipase is an enzyme that breaks down fat. Fat however, it what makes breast milk taste good. Fat actually makes lots of foods taste good for that matter, but I’m getting off topic here. Essentially the lipase is “eating up” all the fat in mom’s breast milk and the result is sour tasting … Continue reading