Yard Sale Shopping: Is Buying Gifts Tacky?

We all know the controversy surrounding re-gifting. You know, when you get a gift and then instead of using it, you give it to someone else, passing it off as a gift you personally bought for the person. Some people say it is money smart to re-gift, while others say it is just plain tacky. Still others have an opinion somewhere in the middle, such as it is okay to re-gift if there is no chance that either the original gift giver, or the person you are giving the gift to, will ever find out. But what about buying gifts … Continue reading

Ready… Aim… Poop!

“Ready, aim, fire!” I’m convinced that if my daughter could talk, she’d be saying that phrase every time I change her diaper. During her week-long stay in the hospital, she successfully pooped on my mom, my husband, the nurses, and me. She’s a pro at fooling people into thinking she’s done pooping. She’ll let out a bunch of grunts, accomplish a few good poop explosions, and everything will be calm for quite awhile. “Time to change her diaper,” we’d all think. The unsuspecting victim would calmly slide a new diaper underneath her, undo the dirty diaper, and get ready to … Continue reading

How to Deal with an Allergy in Marriage- Part 2

So, you’ve got an allergy or your pattern has. Allergies can be a problem when you eat out. We often come up against the problem when Mick and I go out. We often have to end up taking food for me to functions because it is not catered for. Recently at a party Mick stood guard over our gluten free sausages so they did not get mixed up with the others on the barbecue. And on Monday when we went out for Australia Day, lunch was provided for our choir but we learned the hard way the year before that … Continue reading

How to Deal with an Allergy in Marriage- Part 2

So, you’ve got an allergy or your pattern has. Allergies can be a problem when you eat out. We often come up against the problem when Mick and I go out. We often have to end up taking food for me to functions because it is not catered for. Recently at a party Mick stood guard over our gluten free sausages so they did not get mixed up with the others on the barbecue. And on Monday when we went out for Australia Day, lunch was provided for our choir but we learned the hard way the year before that … Continue reading