HHS and OASH Provide The Basics Of Eating Healthy

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (OASH) provided ways for people to eat healthy. Eating healthy means following a healthy eating pattern that includes a variety of nutritious foods and drinks. It also means getting the number of calories that’s right for you (not eating too much or too little). Choose a mix of healthy foods There are lots of healthy choices in each food group! Choose a variety of foods you enjoy, including: Whole fruits – like apples, berries, oranges, mango and bananas Veggies – like broccoli, sweet … Continue reading

Does Shopping the Perimeter Save Money at the Grocery Store?

Perimeter shopping is a great way to save on your groceries. In fact, at least two thirds of your purchases should be made there. Why? Because perimeter shopping usually means healthy food at great prices. When you enter the grocery store, how do you shop? Do you follow your lists, zig zagging through the aisles? Do you start at one end and go back and forth through each aisle? The next time you shop for groceries, start at one end and go all around the perimeter, that is all around the outside of the store, close to the outer walls. … Continue reading

Teaching Kids to Eat Healthy

One of the best gifts we can give a child is how to eat healthy. Eating for your health is a habit that will last and benefit your child for a lifetime. The younger you begin the less resistance you will have when it comes to trading in the candy for fruit salad. The number one way to instill healthy eating habits is by displaying healthy eating habits. Nothing will effect your child more than having her see you make proper food choices and by serving healthy foods. Even if you previously had poor eating habits, it is not too … Continue reading

The Best Healthy Food on a Budget

Most of us are familiar with the Ramen every night diet. It isn’t a plan to lose weight, rather a plan to actually afford food, and it has been made famous by college students or anyone just starting out with only a limited budget. But the Ramen Noodle diet isn’t exactly a healthy one. The “meal” contains high levels of sodium and carbs and pretty much zero nutrients. Yes, it will fill you up for less, but it isn’t something you can use to feed a family and keep them all healthy. Another source of cheap food that people often … Continue reading

Ziplist: Making Grocery Shopping Easy

I hate grocery shopping. It is falls only second to laundry on my list of household duties I would rather not do. I never know what I am buying because I never have a well planned list. I try looking up recipes to find fun new ideas and form lists based off of that. Yet, I am always forgetting something at the store. It doesn’t help having a family who is picky about what they eat so the question, “What’s for dinner?” is never pleasant to answer. What I end up doing is spending more money on buying foods I … Continue reading

Strategies For Getting More Healthy Food For Less Money

If you have a tight grocery budget, food shopping is a challenge, to say the least. You want to feed your family the most healthful meals that you can, but it seems like the healthier a food is, the more it costs. There are a few ways that you can get fresh, healthy food for your family without breaking the bank. Try the following tips and see whether they can work for your family. If you live somewhere with room for a garden, or even a balcony with room for some potted plants, you may want to try your hand … Continue reading

WARNING: Do you consume these 5 foods?

You have heard the phrase “you are what you eat” many times before. I do have lady fingers but they aren’t cream filled and so far my hair hasn’t turned into curly spaghetti. However, there is truth in becoming what you eat. If you eat unhealthy foods you will undoubtedly become an unhealthy person. This line of logic is clear to most yet we do not always apply it to our lives. We are human sometimes give in to the things we crave to satisfy our flesh nature. I have a hard time respecting myself in the morning after eating … Continue reading

Grocery Shopping on a Diet

Resolving to eat more naturally and healthier has made grocery shopping a unique experience. I have a keen eye for items that are either unhealthy due to added chemicals or amount of sugar or fat. Blindly picking up an item that looks yummy or easy to make are no longer how I make food choices. While, I never ate terribly I was no stranger to processed foods or the occasional fatty or sugary snack. I find giving up certain foods is both freeing and confining. It feels free to avoid aisles of junk food or processed foods. I am free … Continue reading

Bad Licorice and Smart Shopping

A pregnant woman’s diet is under such scrutiny. Doctors and scientists are always studying how different foods affect the health of a pregnant woman and her child. Often times, the focus is on what we cannot eat rather than what we should eat. We are constantly bombarded with warnings and new lists of foods to avoid. Unfortunately, you can add licorice to the list of things you can’t have (or should avoid) during pregnancy. Black licorice contains glycyrrhizin, which affects how hormones are regulated in the body. When a pregnant woman eats too much licorice, it can lead to higher … Continue reading

Tips for Healthy Eating While Pregnant

Half the battle of eating healthy while you are expecting is figuring out what to buy and what to cook. Many of us are all too familiar with the interior of the grocery store: skillet meals, frozen dinners, boxed meals, canned lunch, cereal, pasta mixes and other prepackaged foods make up a large part of our American diet. We may take a detour through the produce section for onions or a head of iceberg lettuce, but most of us wouldn’t know where to begin if we were restricted to the perimeter of the store; and yet that is where healthy … Continue reading