The Burning Question: Should Men Lactate?

If you’ve read my blog yesterday about the possibility of male lactation, I left readers hanging as to my personal view on the subject and rather just presented some information to ponder. The summary is yes, men can lactate. The burning question is: should this be the beginning of the revolution of mothering around the globe? Should men and women begin sharing equally the work of. . .breastfeeding? Isn’t the mantra of the women’s lib movement equality and is this not the ultimate in equality between men and women? My short answer to ‘the burning question’ is no, I don’t … Continue reading

Should Formula Cans Contain Warning Labels?

We have been talking about this particular issue in the forums. You can catch up on the debate here. However, I have to say that there isn’t too much of a debate. The overwhelming majority of people feel that warning labels on formula cans are “like a slap in the face to mothers who choose or have to formula feed.” However, like all debates, we are fueled with our personal experiences and I thought it might be helpful to provide some background information on the issue. Background The initiative to put warning labels on cans of formula is backed by … Continue reading

Let’s Be Honest About Formula vs. Breast Milk

I am concerned about the discussions going on around me. What prompted me to write this blog was one of the discussions in the forums. However, comments about ‘formula being as good as breast milk’, or ‘the breastfeeding Nazis’ aren’t only found there. There seems to be a definite division between the breast milk mamas and the formula mamas. But let’s be honest–breast milk, is NOT the same as formula. It’s scientifically just not. To be honest, if you look at the data, it’s not even a close second. No matter how much we want to pretend that it is … Continue reading

Babies Are Born to Be Breastfed

This isn’t my title, but rather the title of a campaign targeting families in upstate New York. The message is clear: formula is unnatural and breast milk is the healthiest way to go when it comes to feeding your infant. And apparently it’s working: 69% of men and 46% of women say they would feel comfortable breastfeeding (or having their partner breastfeed) in public. That’s up from 54% and 35% respectively before the campaign was out. I have written about the debate in our forums before over whether or not formula cans should contain warning labels. My opinion is in … Continue reading

Breastfeeding and HIV

Until recently, it has been thought that an HIV positive mother should not breastfeed her baby. However, recent research is showing that breastfeeding is so incredibly beneficial that even HIV positive moms should breastfeed their children. I do need to point out that the research I’m referring to in this blog, has been done in Africa. While I don’t think that this fact makes the conclusions null and void it is something to keep in mind while reading. When I say that breastfeeding increases chances for survival for babies–that may very well be true in Africa where health care and … Continue reading