The floor isn’t normally a surface I interact with. I interact with the seat of a chair, the top of a desk, and even the keys of a keyboard… but I don’t often interact with the floor. Occasionally I even deal with walls, but not the floor. This is completely different from my son. He’s constantly interacting with the floor. It’s not just because he’s quite short. Or, rather, not entirely. Gravity is a powerful force and he learns physics every day by watching things fall to the ground when he lets go of them. This is the reason that … Continue reading

The Food-Throwing Stage

Inevitably, just about ever toddler reaches this milestone and goes through a period where throwing and dropping food is far more interesting than eating it. Many parents get frustrated and exasperated with pick up and clean up and worry that the child will starve to death if she does not eat the food or will get something dreadful if fed the food that has touched the floor. It can take some creativity and patience to get through the food-throwing stage. First, decide what your tolerance level is—some parents can tolerate letting a child drop or throw food without response and … Continue reading